Baroque Flute Fingering Chart
by Margaret Neuhaus

The aim of this site is to offer a version of Margaret Neuhaus fingering chart for the baroque flute that is usable on a pda or smart phone. Never be without a superbly detailed fingering chart again!

Notes and abbreviations

This fingering chart is a version of the main one in "The Baroque Flute Fingering Book" by Margaret Neuhaus 2nd edition published by Folkers and Powell 2002 ISBN 0-9670368-1-X

The book can be ordered online from
It is copyright Ardal Powell and this version of the chart is published here with his permission for which I thank him.

In order to meet the constraints of displaying it on a pda or mobile phone the chart has been very much simplified. It is intended to be usefull for quick reference **only** and in no way replaces the book itself which contains detailed notes, additional charts for trills, flattements and battements as well as great deal of other valuable information.

I have radicaly simplified the original notes. The numerous comments on intonation and other matters have been removed. This is only a quick reference table, if you need more detail, you need the book.

Where all or most of the original tables agree on the fingering of a particular note an exhaustive list of sources is not given (unlike Neuhaus who always gives all the references). Put more simply, if no sources are given for a fingering it doesn't mean nobody recommends it, on the contrary, it means nearly everybody does.

There are a number of fingerings where the only difference is whether the key is open or closed. Neuhaus gives separate lines for authors recommending the closed key fingering, authors recommending the open key and those who can't make up their minds and recommend both. I have added the doubters names as sources for both closed and open key fingerings and deleted the additional line.

Several authors give a main fingering and other optional fingerings or give different fingerings in different tables, this table just credits them all to the author in question without further comment.

Abbreviations for authors names are generaly the same as Neuhaus although the three character ones have been shortened. Thus Mh instead of Mah, Ml instead of Mil and HW instead of H-W. See the table at the bottom of this page for the complete list.

One of the disadvantages of suppressing the comments is that it tends to put all the fingerings given for a particular note on the same footing. This can be misleading as some were only ever intended for fast passage/arpeggio work or need a lot of embouchure adjusting to play in tune. This is particularly the case for the later tutors so it may be usefull to bear in mind that fingerings are listed in chronological order.

As mentioned above this version was originaly designed for very small screens using rudimentary browsers, hence the circa 1995 look. It has been updated to some extent but should still display on almost anything including text only browsers. If even that is too much for your pda please try the text version.

I have checked the chart carefully but if you do find any transcription errors I would very much like to hear from you. I can be contacted at contact


1753Quantz BerlinQB
1766Compleat TutorCT
1804Hugot & WunderlichHW